| - Now, this one doesn't really fit into any category, because it is a nonprofit org, but I really felt compelled to put a review in for it to help get the word out. This is such a great way to volunteer your time, and they are always in need of Bigs, especially men. The boys waiting for a Big sometimes have to wait for a year just to get one, and with some of these children, they need someone now.
If you have a few extra hours a month, a tiny bit of your time can help do wonders for a child. I have been a Big since February, and it is such a rewarding experience. For privacy issues, I won't go into the details of my Little, but she is a really great girl. She gets excited every time we talk and she makes as much of a difference in my life as I do hers.
Some of the things we have done together:
mini golf
Dave and Busters
movies (lots)
Ceramic painting at As You Wish
Children's Literacy Luncheon - AZ Kidney Foundation
And we've also just hung out at my house and talked.
There are so many kids out there who just need someone to talk to, and to show them that they are special and important. If you have the time and energy, I don't think that there is a better place that you could spend it.