I'm actually sitting in my car in the parking lot as I'm writing this review because I can't wait to get home to do it. This Walgreens has probably some of the worst customer service that I've experienced on the southwest side of town. Not rating the pharmacy but the actual retail portion of the store. For starters I walked in at approximately 9:45 knowing that yes they close at 10:00 PM as one of the associates is walking around the store playing rap music on his phone rapping along.. How unprofessional can you get? Then another associate yells "make sure you guys lock that door" a bit overkill like yes we get it you guys want to go home but do you have to go those leaps and bounds to make the customers inside feel unwanted? Keep in mind it's us who keeps you in business. I was actually helped by one of the pharmacy people because I looked lost. However the same associate guy that was walking around blasting the rap music on his phone ends up helping me.. No greeting just nonchalantly takes my purchase rings me up as he's continuing the rest of his song. No goodbye..no offering of a bag for my item.. Am I in the twilight zone?? Can I stress again how unprofessional that it? Seriously? Save that shit for AFTER work dude! Where do they hire these people?