I want a lawyer.
This UPS center has the most APPALLING customer service I have EVER experienced in my 29 years of living.
Let me start from the beginning.
I have had a specific medication mailed to me over the last year or so because it is cheaper than going through the local pharmacies. I have never had a problem. Until last Thursday.
I ordered my medication on Monday. The company said it would definitely get to me by Friday. I have always had it delivered to my work (a school) and it usually gets there 2 or 3 days after I order it. I NEED it by Sunday.
Thursday. No delivery. I'm not worried. Yet.
Friday. Asking my co-workers all day "Any package for me?" Nope. I get out of work in the early evening, rush home, and call the pharmaceutical company. They said it shows that UPS should have delivered it Thursday and someone that works for UPS decided to have it redelivered for Monday. What??? They give me the tracking number and the customer service phone number for UPS.
I call UPS and speak to a very nice man. He says that someone that works for UPS (either the shipping center or the driver- haven't figured it out yet) ASSUMED the school I work for was closed for spring break. They locked up the package.
The person who made this decision is a first class idiot. Guess what bonehead? Every school district has a different spring break! And I work for a private preschool. We have NO spring break! They didn't even ATTEMPT to deliver the package or even call to see if we were open.
Oh the story gets even better.
The nice man I spoke to (not local- national customer service) agreed that this whole situation was f-d up, especially considering this was a medication that I needed. I told him there was no way I could pick it up during there Saturday hours. He said that although the local shipping center was officially closed (this was around 6:30pm Friday night) there are still some employees at the center and I might be able to drive down there (20 miles away) and pick it up afterhours. He said I would get a phone call from the local center within the hour.
After anxiously watching my phone for 40 minutes I get a call from a unknown local number. I answer it immediately after the first ring. "Hello?" Click. They hung up on me as soon as I said hello!!! I call the number back immediately. No answer. I call again. No answer. I do reverse phone number look up just to be sure its them. Yep. It is.
I call the national customer service again. Speak to a nice supervisor this time. Tell her the situation. She puts me on hold to look into it. Comes back on the line and said that the local office said they attempted to call me and had a bad connection. Ummmm... there was no bad connection. The call ended as soon as I said hello. She apologized and said there was nothing she could do about it. I said that was okay, I would rearrange my schedule and pick it up during their Saturday hours. She said I couldn't even pick it up then, because it was going to be locked up and delivered Monday. I went on a major rant. (while still being courteous to her of course- this wasn't her fault) I said I needed the medication by Sunday and this whole situation was terrible, immoral, and unprofessional. She agreed and decided to try calling the local office one more time. She put me on hold.... (this is when it gets REALLY good)
She gets back on the line and tells me they (the local customer service center) hung up on her!!! Yes, the local UPS customer service center hung up on a national UPS customer service supervisor!! By this time I am laughing like a homicidal maniac. She was even shocked by the behavior of her own company. She apologized profusely and assured me she would put a complaint in.
So the medication that was supposed to be delivered to me Thursday won't be until Monday. And I need it by Sunday. And here is another kicker. It has to be refrigerated. Now there are coldpacks in the box. After a 3 day delivery period the coldpacks are still slightly frozen and my medication is fine. But this is almost one week.
Anyone who wants to message me with advice on how to handle this is more than welcome. I don't know where to even start. I feel that if the medication if ruined UPS needs to reimburse me. I am so angry. The laziness and incompetence of these employees are compromising my health.