| - My disc drive went out on my xbox 360 gaming console and after taking the console to a local fix it place (we live in avondale), i was told the repair would be around 80.00. Quite a steep investment to a system that could be purchased used for 100.00. I went on the internet and did some research on replacing the drive myself. I opened the case up and removed the drive and found "Inspect-Ur Gadget" in Chandler (from Google i suppose) had a replacement drive.
I called and inquired about the replacement drive..... he said that he did have one in stock. I asked about the cost difference between them doing the repair vs. selling me the drive. $39 for the drive and $65 if they did the repair...... Well... i had already opened the xbox up, so i decided i would replace the drive myself. After a few minutes of conversation about how they would recommend me bringing them the unit instead of me doing it myself, the guy says "you have a soldering iron right?" I said yes, and i wasn't aware that i had to solder the existing chip that was in the drive..... the information i had online was a simple removal of a couple bands and replacement would be less tedious. SO, I was appreciative of the heads up. I then opened the drive to see that the soldering would be 9 connections and looked simple.
So i decide to take a road trip (45 mins) to Gilbert with my wife to pick up the drive. The store was well marked off Warner Road.
I enter the store with my old drive in hand and ask for the new drive. Don't know if the person helping me was the same guy i spoke to on the phone. He brought out the drive which was marked "refurbished". I wasn't told this up front, which isn't a bother to me, so no worries. The guy behind the counter states.... "that there are absolutely no returns on the merchandise since it is going to be a self install.... and they have no way of know what i would do to the drive"... I said i understood. He then states... "so you are just going to go switch out that drive as it sits." I said no, i was going to solder the existing chip from my drive to this new drive" That question just irritated me like i had no idea what i was doing...... there are about 15 ways to say something like that.... but the way it was phrased was unprofessional.
All this is no big deal..... Got the drive, headed home. Unfortunately had to go to work, so I had to wait to install my new drive.
Finally go to install the drive and i open up the "refurbished" drive and to my surprise.... It is filthy, more like disgusting, with lint and most disturbing, the top 'case' on the drive, which is completely metal and removable was "caked" with brown dust. I couldn't believe i bought a "refurbished" drive that was in this condition. my 4 year old drive look PRISTINE next to this one. not to mention the soldering job on the "refurbished" looked amateur at best. So i simply soldered the chip on and used my "old" drive cover and left the "dirty caked brown dust" one off.... I un-soldered and soldered the boards..... 18 in all... in about 10 mins.... put the xbox back together and viola, i have my xbox back.
So, all in all, i did get what i wanted. My xbox back for around 44.00 with tax.
My 1 star is for the condition of the "refurbished" product they are selling. So, if i didn't do the repair myself, this drive would have made it into my system and no telling how long it would have lasted.
I would have rated 2 stars on the attitude of the employees alone.