I wish I would have started this hike early in the morning because the sun throughout the hike is killer. It was my first time taking this on and I started off strong, feeling invincible. Not even at the halfway mark, I was gasping for air. Pace yourself, thank goodness my boyfriend had water and was encouraging. As I kept truckin' I finally see a "stairway to heaven", and I will tell you, by no means was it an easy climb to the top of this peak. Steep steps to get to the top, but once I got there, I felt a cool breeze air, took in the most beautiful views and enjoyed a few gulps of water. Back down was much easier but by then I had spaghetti legs. A good reminder to continue to climb and hike to get into better shape. Left with sore legs, a great tan and an enjoyable way to start my day. I highly recommend.