Having been to a gay bar only once before I was looking forward to partying with a good friend on his birthday at Buddies In Bad Times. Having never been here before, I was shocked when I discovered that it was not a full time night club but a performing arts theatre most of the time.
The night started out pretty slow (and we got there at 11:30), but come around 11:50 (10 minutes before the cover charge goes up) the place went from 0 to 100 in seconds! The music was pumping and the crowd was awesome. Great group of people having a blast.
The booze selection was fairly basic, beers and basic bar rail - what you'd expect from a regular club. And while the staff were awesome at taking care of the crowds pretty well with only 2 bars and 3 bartenders the line-ups to get a drink were long.
Those minor notes aside, the music was fantastic and the drag performances were awesome (it was my first time seeing one). I thought a performance like that in the midst of the evening would kill the vibe... not at all, each time a performer did their thing it seemed to take the party to another level!
Great party and definitely a place I'd come back to!