| - I'm not going to talk about the food because 1. There are other more egregious errors at play here and 2. It's a dimsum place in Arizona; the food is gonna be like any other dimsum place that's not in CA/NY, with the same preprepared frozen dimsum items that every other dimsum place carries.. It's as decent but it's what you'd expect.
Halfway through our meal, my dad sees a friend of his (another Chinese man) arguing with the man at the podium taking numbers for customers just arriving, as dimsum here is always extremely packed since they are one of the only places left in Tempe/Phoenix. The friend comes over to explain that he had just eaten there, and as he was leaving he saw the manager/podium guy turn away a black family. Not only did he refuse to serve them initially, when they asked why the podium guy just started physically pushing them out! When this friend asked why, the man blew it off and just said he "did not want to serve them." My dad, and the rest of our family, was outraged just as this family friend was, and so the friend went back to the podium guy to complain, saying "you can't just not serve that family for no reason!" Upon hearing that the podium guy turns to our family friend and curtly states "you can leave too" and begins to push him out of the restaurant too. The friend starts yelling "I just ate here!" Such unbelievably atrocious service and racism at what I used to think of as a half decent dimsum place in Tempe.
We quickly wrapped up our meal after witnessing this all go down, and the podium man comes over to quickly start taking our empty plates/dishes away. As he tries to stack too many plates he can handle in an attempt to clear the whole table, he ends up spilling my moms tea, nearly all over her. Then he just up and left without apologizing.
I have attached a photo of this man to my review. His face is slightly blurry but you'll know him if you see him. He is a racist, with no decency for treating his customers with any respect. I strongly suggest Phoenix Palace fire this idiot before they risk this bad press getting out and losing customers. Absolutely ridiculous.