| - I had an appointment yesterday with Dr Knowles....and I have to say, I was EXTREMELY impressed. The only reason I did not leave 5 stars is because we are in the early phases of I still don't know if the outcome will be positive with my dog....but based on my first experience there yesterday, I was pleasantly surprised. It is not cheap....but I can see why.
For the past 7 weeks, I have been in & out of the vet with my 7 yr old Boxer, Leo, on average 2-3x a week. I've seen 7 different vets, between emergency visits, switching from my regular vet to a new vet, an internal medicine specialist, you name it. I've had ultrasounds done, xrays of spine, hips, hind legs, chest, lungs...etc. All came back crystal clear. Blood work...etc. I've had diagnoses range from a UTI and leaving him in the hospital all day on IV fluids (which i later found out he never even had when lab work came in, and the instant test the vet did was wrong), to gastro-intestinal issues, to valley fever...and have a counter full of medications that my dog doesn't even need. After spending close to $3800 in vet bills, and still having a sick dog...I was able to convince my vet of what i had been saying all along...that I think he is having some pain in his right hind leg. Everyone seemed to think it didn't seem like a neuro issue because of his other symptoms, like decreased appetite, lethargy, etc.....however none of that surprised me based on the boat load of different medications he's been put on for no good reason. I was now not able to tell what was a side effect of the meds, versus what was actually wrong with him. My vet finally agreed that maybe there was some pain in his hind leg, even though xrays were she referred me to Vet Nuero Center. That brings me to my experience yesterday.
I arrived...waited for maybe 5 minutes and they were ready for me. I've never had such a short wait at the vets office. I clearly had a lot of history to go over with her. Dr Knowles really took the time to understand the series of events, and every little detail. They said over the phone the appt would be about an hour, she spent 2.5 hrs with me....uninterrupted...and it was 100% with her, not nurses or techs, etc. In prior vet visits, my dog would not respond when examined, so no one could identify where the pain was coming from. Dr Knowles took the time to understand everything about him and his personality/behaviors. She did not immediately push the idea of an fact, it never came up. We took him outside for a walk....she tried to get a feel for how he played with toys....brought him a bowl of water. I've just never experienced a vet appointment even remotely close to this. Needless to say....after spending all of that time with him, and examining him again, she was able to get him to flinch when she examined him, and located where the pain is coming from. It was a miracle!! She gave me her opinion as to what was going on...again, didn't try to push insanely expensive tests on me. She came up with a reasonable treatment medications, and lots of rest for 30 days. If we don't seen an improvement....I would imagine the MRI would be the next step....but for now I am just so grateful she was able to at least find the source of the pain...and has him on a path to recovery. Based on this initial experience with VNC, and Dr Knowles specifically, I would highly recommend them.