Ready for this...first experience I ordered a omelet and it came out cold. I told the male waiter it was cold and said I wanted a hot meal please. In total disbelief he told me quote I can put it in the microwave. I said are you kidding...i thought I was on candid camera really so I asked again and he said emphatically do you want it hot or not? My response was even Denny's does not nuke an omelet good bye I am out of here. So tonight I went back it has been a few years. I sat down and asked if the coffee was fresh. It was 11 30pm. The waiter told me yes just brewed a minute ago. I said hard to believe are you sure. He said yes...the coffee was older than my grandmother. Guess what Denny's brews you fresh coffee and does not try and bluff you. It will not work for us coffee drinkers. The take away is ditch the 5 star microwave old coffee joint and go to Denny's!!!