Tried again on Feb 18, 2016 at 11am.
Was seated in the same spot as before.
I requested the Monkey Bread again. I was told that there was none. I informed the waiter that we have been told this before and I know that they keep some in the back. That is all I want for breakfast. He said he would go check for me.
The waiter never came back.
The other person with me was served with her breakfast and no one asked if I wanted anything else?
Your wait service found it appropriate to serve one person and not the other AND not ask any questions ???
No monkey bread and now my guest is eating without me ?!?!
Finally I flag down someone to get a menu while my guest is eating.
No one ever comes back to take my order and my guest finishes. I ended up going else were for breakfast.
While your service staff is quick to brag that the owners stole them from STK (and I really doubt that these people were stolen, these are obviously the rejects from STK), your what staff needs some serious training.
Also, just remove the MONKEY BREAD from your clipboard menu. If you don't have it at 11am on a Thursday, you really never have it. Don't try to lie to customers and say that people come and pre-order it at 7am.