| - Zero stars!! Stay away from this place!! I went in for a check-up. The dentist said I have a cavity and need to get a filling. Ok, had that done. A couple of days later, that same tooth was hurting. I went back, and had to have an emergency pulpotomy b/c the dentist drilled too far and killed the nerve. After the pulpotomy, I had to have a root canal a week later, and then a crown put on. The front office tried to charge me $300 immediately following the pulpotomy. I told them that my insurance covers the procedure at 100%. She argued with me and told me that I have to pay now. I refused to pay the full amount....gave them $100. I was skeptical b/c I haven't even seen a bill or description as to what was done. The next day I called my insurance company and they said that I should not have been charged's 100% covered, like I tried to tell Emmert. I called Emmet and told them that they needed to refund me the $100. She woman said that the "office manager" isn't in, and she will have her call me back. This went on for a week!! I called every day and the "office manager" NEVER called me back. When I went back in for the root canal, I told the dentist what was going on. He apologized, but that was it. After that visit, they tried to charge me again for the root canal....which is also covered at 100%!! I asked for my x-rays and told them I will not be coming back for the crown. I found another dentist to do the crown. I also think that the dentist drilled too far on purpose.....just my opinion.
My husband also had a very bad experience with them. He tripped and broke his front tooth. Emmert was the only place that was open on Saturday so he had to go there....didn't want to though. They put on a temp crown and charged him $1975!!! He knew from my experience not to pay anything immediatley. The front office at Emmert told him that his insurance won't pay anything b/c it was considered an accident. Are you serious?? Aren't all tooth breaks an accident?!?!?! They actually told him to go through his home owners insurance. He called his dental insurance on Monday, and they said of course it's 80%. They also said that Emmert hasn't even submitted a claim to them. My husband called Emmert and told them what the dental insurance company said, and front desk person said that the office manager will call him back! That still hasn't happened yet. I find it outrageous to charge $1975 for a crown!! Crazy!! I've talked to other people about their horror stories from Emmert Dental in Bethel Park. Stay away from here!!!