Truly one of the worst experiences of me getting my hair done. First I went to a stylist named Londyn Rae she butchered my hair (my real hair before braiding it) because she didn't want to comb through it before braiding it wet!!! Mind you I told her im going away with my man, we got engaged, and needed my hair looking right Then she sewed my wig on with an elastic band and then she butchered my full-laced wig I looked like Whitney Houston circa 1984!!!! She then proceeded to I've never had 1 complaint. Total lie when I called her after that. So I needed my hair fix. I called another stylist from there that happened to be doing my old gfs hair at the time of my butchering. And she goes by the name Crissy W. She proceeded to tell me how she doesn't do wigs she can give me a weave, i said fine, I bought all brand new hair she braided my hair so tight I had 4 migraines in 2 days because of it. She was sadistic and twisted and smiling while hurting me. I told her to which she responded braids need to be tight. I had a weave long ago, wasn't this painful. She said oh your head is soar cause Londyn Rae braided it. So it's tender if she knew this why braid so ridiculously tight. Then I see the work she did. It's lumpy on one side (left) right side has no hair it's bald like hair missing. She also kept about $30 in hair from my weave she helped herself to. I got furious and asked her to set me another appt. To even me out. She said she couldn't fit me in until 2 days later and then told me yup your hair is in the drawer here. I went over she put too much hair in the front braided my cornrows to the front. And too much hair on both sides. She told me she would have to take the corn rows all down and do it again if I wanted a full weave like I asked for she left hair out. And it looks terrible 300 later!!! My head is still hurting from the corn rows put in had migraines 3 days after!!!