| - The restaurant buzzer is a symbol of hope. It is a promise that, although there is not currently a table available, there will be. That chosen-one jackpot moment of jubilant buzzing and flashing will soon be upon you...or will it?
I went to Milestones on a sunny day to enjoy a drink on the patio with a friend. We were told that there would be a 25 minute wait, but that we were welcome to grab a drink in their lounge area in the mean time. Equipped with our buzzer, we sat at the bar and waited to be served. It took ages before a waitress deemed us worthy of her attention, at which point she brought us menus and forgot all about us. She finally took our extremely difficult order of two glasses of wine. My gaze periodically flitted over to our dormant buzzer and I silently willed it to spring to life - but it remained still. The waitress set two big empty glasses before us and we rejoiced that although we were still not in our desired locale, at LEAST we would have a beverage to tide us over. To our dismay, those surly oversized glasses just sat there tormenting us along with our lame buzzer. We started to wonder if this was all some sort of cruel joke when, more than 10 minutes after the glasses were presented to us, they were finally given purpose! I know wine is really tricky to supply, it's not as if it's just sitting around in bottles waiting to be poured...
We enjoyed our wine and chatted for awhile. Hope of the buzzer sounding faded the closer we got to the bottom of our glasses. We were there for an hour and a half, and our table never became available. As we were paying the bill, our waitress said, "We could seat you on the patio now if you'd like." Ya, no. Thanks - we're good.