I was excited for it to be at Sunset Station since it is closer to home, but I was completely disappointed. I felt the space was way to cramped, like who ever planned it did a horrible job of laying it out. The lines blocked the walk ways, the rides block everything and no tables. The point of foodie fest is to eat but where? Half the fun was balancing my drink while trying to stuff food in my face.
The food I had was delicious (Shout out to Buddha belly deli and there amazing Brussel sprouts), but the trucks I wanted to visit had lines that were too long and I wasn't going to wait on hour to eat. I mean I waited for 25 minutes for a corndog that was ok. For a family of 5 to enter, eat and ride rides expect to spend a least $200, and in my mind it was not worth it.
This is a one and done for me.