Finally some more Greek in Chandler. Good for lunch. Decent service. Awkward restaurant
Why the heck did the owner accept this place with the bathrooms like this???? Who felt this is acceptable? Someone get some sense and REMODEL that crap!!! Yeah I want to squeeze into a closet with a urinal or a crapper. Wait until someone drops a load in the pisser!!! I
Guests expect accommodations. - This place has bar seating and tables for 2. Just a feeling of awkward for families and groups.
Finally what I- D- I- O- T put ash trays in the patio seating area???? That is the LAST thing that customers want these days!!!! F$#%#*ing Smokers!!!! Haven't restaurantpenuers figured out they get more from catering to nonsmokers because the smokers will find the ashtray on the outskirts of the building to feed their habit anyway. BAN PATIO SMOKING PERMANENTLY.