| - Have I been away from city-life so long? When we stopped by the "Real Canadian" Superstore, I was a bit in wide-eyed awe at the people. I liked how this huge store was painted with all types of people and cultures. In eastern Washington state, diversity is pretty lacking, so whenever I'm in a milieu of cultures I am happy and reminisce about what it's like to live in a real city.
The diversity wasn't limited to just the clientele, I was also surprised by their selection---especially in the produce department. Now, how often will one find durian in your fruit aisle? Yeah, this big light tan spiky fruit has the reputation for being one of the stinkiest mothas on the block, but I still like that they sold a few of 'em here. There were also other fruits/vegetables which looked totally alien to me. I love that!
And this isn't just a grocery store (it's a SUPERSTORE, BTW....a "real" Canadian" one at that), there are all kind of Canadian fashions available here. I needed some swim trunks, and they had some of those short shorts guys used to wear in the States back in the 70s. I had to buy them so I could show off my blinding white chicken legs. Why wouldn't I when they were only about two Twoonies & a Loonie (that's 5 bucks for you Americans not in the know).
So yeah, decent Cannuck store and an excellent joint to people watch!