They should be changing the name of this place soon. :( With all the price changes!
We have been to this locations many times over the years. Just as with all of them it is disappointing to see the price changes. They have been 99 cents for so long, then went to 99.9 cents so everything rang at a $1.00.
Now you have to be careful what you pick up because not everything is 99 cents anymore or $1.00.
99 cent only store use to be my favorite place. I guess everyplace has to do changes but this is a sad change!! I find myself not spending as much as I use to when I go in.
Every time I seemed to spend at least $50.00 I would find so many things that were great deals. Now I am lucky if I spend $20 if not less.
I guess with the competition out there you can still go other places and find some good deals you will just have to hit and miss it here now.
I did get a Huge can of sweet pickles the restaurant size for .99 I was surprised at that and Heinz! So I was happy with that find since I love pickles!!
Until they totally change all their prices we will keep stopping once in awhile to see if there is anything we find.