| - Bizaare experience just now with this organization - Young man and 20-something girl showed up. Girl comes to door, standing right next to the bee hive and asks where the bees are. She was CLEARLY not a trained tech. So she says, "oh, I just wanted to see them, the guy in the car will come kill them."
She goes to the car to talk to the guy as he is suiting up. But they never gave me a quote for the job... Their website posts between $48 - $188 to do the job. But after glancing at the job, she didn't give me an exact quote before doing any work.
So I walked to the truck where the guy is putting on his bee suite, and ask for the price. He says: "$395". THREE HUNDRED AND NINETY FIVE DOLLARS.
So I remind him the website prices are CONSIDERABLY lower and he answers "That's the 'mean person' price."
Huh? I ask them to leave, and call their phone # thinking I just got a tech having a bad day, and the same guy answers the phone, and says the same thing to me, then hangs up.
CLEARLY they are running some sort of scam, hoping a homeowner won't ask for the price prior to them completing the service.
~~FOLLOWUP - I just got about 10 texts from the guy threatening me with a lawsuit if I leave reviews online or contact the media ~~