I would like it if I get the 000 stars on here.
Don't you ever buy a car from those people they rip you off they will sell you a broken old car unsafe to drive they are unprofessional, disrespectful children from Randy to Rick and all their customer service from the top to the bottom, from their financial customer service to all of them completely unprofessional they just want to make that bonus and give you that piece of crap car and good luck no such thing as warranty no such thing as guaranteed they are completely unreasonable non-professional place to buy anything from them not even a piece of tire. All They want is your money and give you a high interest with Out standing payment for a junkyard car, oh and when you go to cooperate and have them fix the issue they will come up to ur face kick you out and they will tell you deal with it. Just because they already got their bonus Low class on professional business don't go there
Will not just the inspection General would be involved it would be much more They don't want to cooperate I'm going to cooperate my way