I was hoping this would be a "hidden gem" post, but after several failed haircuts here it couldn't be further from that. You may ask why I even went back after the first time, but part of me wanted to help a local business and I gave him the benefit of the doubt since my requests were so basic.
I'm not sure if it's his attempt at trying to be creative, or he's just a bad hairdresser, but time and time again he can't seem to get a simple cut right. I wanted my ends trimmed evenly and instead I have hair that looks like I put it through the garbage disposal. It's so uneven in the most random places that if I didn't know better I would think that his eyes were closed while he was giving me a cut.
All I could say is I gave him a few tries and I can't bring myself to go back. Don't be tempted by the price. It's just not worth it especially if you have to pay to get it fixed.