I went in for an eye exam and had a negative experience with both the tech and Dr. Daryl Pfister. Dr Pfister was extremely unpleasant, dismissive and down right rude. It was like I was bothering him with my very simple questions about reader glasses and suggestions for drops for dry eye. Before the horrible experience with Dr. Pfister, I saw the tech who used two sets of drops in my eyes. The tech lied to me and said my eyes would not be dilated during the appointment, but they were. I asked Dr Pfister why the tech would lie to me and he said "I don't know, why don't you ask her...she's standing right there." So I asked the tech and she denied it. She said, "I told you there would be a light dilation with the second drops used." She NEVER said that to me. She flat out lied again. And what is a "light dilation" is there really such a thing? It's too bad that these two people represent a who whole group of other SW Ey Center techs and DRs. who are patient, kind and personable, because these two definitely were not.