| - After driving by the NFR nearly every day for months, I finally decided to check it out for breakfast recently following an overnight work shift. It resides in a mini-mall setting on N. Sherman Ave, has a family diner vibe that matches its name, and seems to be popular with seniors.
I was kind of expecting an independent version of IHOP or Denny's, and wasn't too far off the mark. When I asked the waitress if they had blueberry pancakes, which weren't on the menu, she hesitated for a second and then said, "Sure. Sure." And sure enough, I got a stack of 3 plain pancakes under a mound of blueberry glop. Guess the cook figured you can always convert ordinary pancakes to the blueberry version by dumping a can (or was it two?) of pie filling on top.
The rest of the food was similarly uninspired, but the waitresses were friendly and hit me up with coffee refills every few minutes. And I don't want to sound too snarky - I think every neighborhood should have a low-budget diner, especially if it's open 24 hours (not so here). I may or may not give it a go for dinner one of these days, though I expect (from the "bucket of fried fish" special) that there's more of an emphasis on quantity than quality.