The Draft / AVAIL playing to a nearly packed house at the Grog. Everyone singing along to "Model" and "Belief's Pile". Glorious.
Hot Water Music kicking through the jams on their final (!?) tour. Hearing Chris Wollard, after a dozen beers, call everyone a "turkey". Five guys in the back of the room responded by gobbling loudly.
Captured! By Robots doing a full tribute to Star Trek: The Next Generation, complete with projector screen and Starfleet uniforms for all the 'bots.
Some really hot girl grabbing my ass. When I turned around, she just smirked, batted her eyes, and then ran off to join her friends. Never saw her again, but felt like a million bucks.
With the exception of feeling like the oldest man on Earth when I showed up to interview Anti-Flag amidst an ocean of 13-year olds, the Grog is nothing but wonderful memories.
Looking forward to seeing my buddy Chuck play there on Jan. 29th.