South Hills Movers is an example of how private owners with lots of money are posing as local, home grown companies and failing to compensate their workers as nationally recognized company should, as the funds are available.
Owned by a family in the South Hills, one would think that a nationwide company would provide compensation to it's employees in accordance with the company's annual revenue. Servicing commercial contracts, such as Verizon and Consol Energy Center, it is obvious that this company is making a lot of money. They are not paying their employees properly, operate under no union protection ( heavy labor requires union regulations ) and discriminate against women. Also, overtime is not properly distributed to employees who work from 7AM to 9PM, and there are no benefits extended to employees.
The company is based in Bethel Park and holds the contract to deliver voting machines in Allegheny County. In order for that contract to be obtained, some of the requirements for an Allegheny Contract had to be quickly obtained. Minority employees were hired from employment agencies. These employees are simply working at this company to fulfill the requirements in order to obtain the contract to deliver the voting machines.