This Trader Joe's is just slightly below the Tempe one I love, but I'll give it 5 stars, too. I remember a few years ago when I was a single mom and one of the guys there knew it. He would see me come in there periodically and one day he saw that I was down and stressed.
As I was walking to my car with my shopping cart with groceries and towing my young kids, he came out to the parking lot with a bouquet of flowers for me. How sweet. No strings attached. He just wanted to bless my day and he said he knew how hard it must be to be a single parent.
I hadn't gotten flowers from anyone in awhile, except my sweet sister. Well, years later, I still remember. This Trader Joe's is also far from me, maybe also close to 20 miles, too.
But, I love every Trader Joe's store I've been to. I just wish they were closer to me.