| - This practice is basically a one-stop for pain management, providing a physician, holistic doctor, chiropractor, and physical therapists under one roof. The practice receptionist is on top of her game, having your chart ready to go before you walk into the door each session and breaking down the billing to your insurance. I came to Gilbert physical medicine to treat scapulothoracic bursitis, hip tendonitis, and neck whiplash. Each of my sessions would consist of a combination physician consult and sarapin trigger point injection, chiropractic adjustment, and time with a tens unit. They also can take their own xrays in-house. Every provider I worked with here was incredibly caring and patient. My only hesitation with this practice concerns the stigma placed on surgical intervention by some (not all) of the providers. I was often warned of the "huge irreparable mistake" I was making by seeking surgery to correct my scapula. In my post-op I learned that the bone spur removed from my scapula was incorrigible by physical therapy and holistic matters. Had I listened to these opinions, I would never have found relief from the chronic pain that is now entirely gone. I sincerely appreciate everything the providers and staff here did to help me. I do believe, however, that surgical opinions are to be issued by surgeons.