It gets 3 stars just for literally seeming to have everything and anything you could possibly need for camping, fishing, hunting, hiking, boating and various other outdoor activities. It's also really well set up and very nice. We came here looking for several camping items and some fishing gear.
It loses 2 stars 'cuz:
1- I don't understand what the hype is all about it's all overpriced stuff you can find for cheaper at Walmart or Canadian Tire or Home Depot or Sports Expert or Atmosphere or... They did seem to have a good sale going on for a lot of stuff but I don't see why I wouldn't check elsewhere first.
2- they had so many employees (and very helpful, which yes, excellent customer service I'll give them that), but when we asked specifically about barbless hooks for fishing and for hooks made without lead (as we recently discovered most fishing hooks and lures do still contain lead --- i know-- wtf is that about?? But that's a whole notha can of worms, pun intended) ...anywoot when we asked about those things their staff, though very nice, was not aware that their hooks did in fact contain lead and while trying to be helpful recommended us a brand of hook that "contains chemicals know to cause cancer to the state of California" as per the package.
So yah I guess I was just expecting more and it wasn't all that. We left without anything we were looking for. I would go back to enjoy their endless selection of lures and bait and such in the fishing section but it's a bit overwhelming I don't know if I'd be more inclined to actually spend money here.