This is for the North York store: I am so beyond frustrated with this store and their delivery company! I had a large delivery on Sunday "between 1 - 5" which they were late for and gave no curtesy call to let me know. Then, two pieces were damaged so I had to request replacements. Which meant waiting around again yesterday between 9 - 1. Of course, they never showed and when I called IKEA they told me they didn't get my pieces into the delivery truck in time. No phone call to let me know that though, just let me wait around all day. So it was rescheduled for today...and again no one showed even though I called the delivery company in the morning to double check everything. Now I have to reschedule again for Saturday. What did they do to apologize to me for having to wait around for three days already?! NOTHING! I am disgusted by the treatment of your customers. Is our time not valuable? Do we not deserve a little respect? I really loved IKEA before this incident and now I feel like your customer service is terrible and your disregard for your customers is unacceptable.