This place is all business... really good food, fast.
I think we were profiled as soon as we walked in. They let us choose our seating location but the waitress serving a different section helped us after a sharp discussion with another server. I think it was a language thing but who knows, I only speak English. We were one of four Caucasian parties dinning with them at the time. We all had the same server.
The menu is huge and there are two of them. Every few minutes our server checked on us... ready to order (big smile). It was a high pressure situation. This isn't an Applebee's menu; no short narratives heavy on descriptions and pictures... Just line after line of choices (fried rice, fired rice with vegetables, etc). We stuck to what we were familiar with and the food was great. The dishes are served family style.
Moving to Canada has been a bit of a financial shock when it comes to eating out. The prices at this place were great. We were out the door for under $30 (including tip) and we had left overs (we drank tea, not beer). I recommend you give House of Gourmet a try.