| - More like, "Bed Bath and Broken Sh*t"
I've shopped here three times: one two occasions I got home to open a box with broken, dysfunctional merchandise. When it was a Brita filter with a broken pitcher, that was fine. I returned it a while later, got a new one, opened it in store and checked that the replacement wasn't broken. All that cost me was time I'll never get back.
But the second time around? I picked up an Iron Gym Pull-Up Bar. Got it home, and it was missing instructions and some of the non-essential foam was torn. Whatever - I really did not want to go back downtown, so I looked up the assembly instructions online and put it together. I then popped it into my door frame, and noticed on the first few test-pulls that it wasn't sitting right.
The stabilizer bar, the part that holds the entire thing in place and keeps you from, say, doing a pull-up, wiggling slightly, and having the whole contraption come down on your face while you hurtle towards the ground? Yeah, that thing was warped and bowed. A test-jiggle sent the whole thing off balance and into a dangerous dive toward my floor. This could have caused serious injury to someone slightly less careful about these things.
Broken merchandise. All the time. I'm sure they'll replace it, but I could've been seriously hurt and now I've gotta spend a couple hours going back downtown to return it and get another one.
IF IT COMES IN A BOX, OPEN IT BEFORE LEAVING AND INSPECT EVERYTHING FROM ALL ANGLES. They clearly just take returned products and huck them back on the shelves for some other unsuspecting consumer, even if the products they're selling wind up being unsafe as a result.
F*ck this place.