They usually have what I'm there to buy. They do not like it if you use coupons though. I have printed coupons using walmart's website and they do what they can not to accept them. You can only use about 8 coupons. I've had checkout ladies not scan all of them and I've had the self checkout not accept some. When you ask for help they say there isn't anything they can do. Yesterday I had a coupon for $2.00 off a bag of dry dog food and a coupon for buy 2 wet dog food get one free. The self checkout wouldn't accept the buy 2 get 1 free- I only use coupons because I'm poor and appreciate being able to - I asked the lady who watches self checkout to remove the 3 wet dog foods since their policy is to not override and she removed only 2 wet dog foods AND she removed the $2.00 off the dry food coupon! I didn't realize til I got home. They owe me $2.00 off my dry dog food AND the container of wet they charged me for and took out. If they don't want to accept coupons they shouldn't offer them on their website!