Like most of the other reviews, I suggest you avoid this place of business. I don't think they know the truth from the many lies they tell. We were duped to buying a 3 years old Maytag Washer/Dryer set. The store is very dark and it wasn't until it was delivered that we noticed how beat up they were. Then I started the washing machine. Well the sounds made me think that it was about to fall apart and I wasn't surprised when the water hadn't drained from the tub. I looked up the model and serial numbers on both and discovered that they had been manufactured July 2006. So in reality they were 10 years old.We called about the water not draining and she started giving us a long explanation. We told her to pick them up and return our money. It took a few days for the pick up and two weeks later we were still hearing the check was in the mail. I got a tip from another reviewer and the next time we called we told her we were going to call "Let Joe Know" and report our experience. She said she understood and hung up. About 4 hours later she called and said she had our money in cash. I went to pick it up and she immediately wanted me to sign a receipt. Well I insisted on counting the money first and surprise surprise,It was a $100.00 short. She replaced the missing money and I'm delighted to be done with them.
If you insist on doing business here them I suggest using a credit card so if something happens you can dispute it with your cc company. Go in there with your eyes wide open because they are less than ethical.