So I took my kids to this place the other day and it's amazing!! So much to do, climb on, slide down on etc. They have two huge playground equipment, one wooden one that I posted also a picture of. Has a climbing wall on one side and another chain ladder wall on the other with a slide up top. Also some monkey bars on the side that you can climb. Underneath it, it has a tire swing and 2 monkey bar swings.
The bigger plastic one covers most of the room and has two huge slides ( they are pretty fast ), everything is padded, it has a maze when you go from the back, and a play airplane cockpit kinda thing that you can crawl into. Then they have a ton of smaller play houses and slides too.
They have a small infant section that I wish would be more secured or gated because the big kids tent to run through there. It has a small step into it but that doesn't stop them. They also have a climbing wall in one corner and these little roller coaster cars that the kids can drive down these tracks on.
There is lots and lots of fun things to do, it took my little one over an hour just to try out every single equipment and ride. Best part for the parent is the amazing huge comfy couches!! I mean once my kids are not going to need as much supervision I could easily see myself having a little snooze in those :)
Oh and of course you can climb on all of the playground equipment with your kids if they are not confident enough to try it on their own.
They have 2 fridges by the cash with drinks but they seriously need to stock up on some healthy snack for the kids.
Admission $8.-