IKEA is an adventure more than a shopping destination. Plan to spend a lot of time here as you wind your way through the many sections of the building.
Great selection of furniture and home accessories. We stock up on all kinds of kitchen and bathroom crap while we are here since it is dirt cheap. Some of the furniture is cheap as hell, and tacky, but there are lots of options. I even seen a denim couch while shopping here. There is no freaking way I would put a denim couch in my house, but hey if it works for you then more power to you.
If you hate crowds then you may want to avoid this place, Very popular store. Not a store you can just run in and pickup something quick. It is more of a day trip.
- Very affordable furniture and home accessories
- Great selection
- Some items are questionable quality
- Child care available
- Decent cafeteria with Swedish favorites
- Remember, it is an adventure so plan accordingly