Our Benji hadn't been around other dogs or small children for the first 9 months of his life. When my toddler granddaughter would come over, I would have to keep him in his pen. Once when she came over with her 8 year old active brother, either I or my husband had to hold Benji until they left as he was so aggressive we were afraid he would bite. Also we were taking him to meet Rover.com dog sitters and he would go ballistic when he saw the other dogs. That's when we decided we needed some help.
I called Brenda and scheduled 4 training sessions. Brenda is amazing when it comes to a dog training professional. After the first session she solved our granddaughter interaction issues. She told us to cut Benji's treats small and let our granddaughter give him a treat. It worked! One of the sessions she met me at Petsmart. Benji met a lot of dogs there and didn't like any of them but by the time we left the store, he didn't even act like he noticed the last dog that came near. She also brought her dog and we walked down to a nearby park. Benji learned to "Leave it" and "drop it". My husband and I are working on our consistency but we have the tools now to have a awesome trained Shih Tzu!! Thanks to Brenda.