| - Catching up on reviews. Chris's has been around awhile now. I would think most know how good this deli is.
All the construction on Ind Blvd/74 has killed most businesses in that area. Yet Chris's still thrives and is as good as ever. Harder to get to then years ago, but well worth the effort.
The fact the construction has killed so many businesses in that area, yet they are still packed at lunch, is all you need to know.
If they laid down a mile of hot coals you had to walk thru to get there, it would be worth burning your feet to eat there.
It was one of the best deli's in Charlotte years ago and it still is.
I would list some of my fav's, but I wouldnt know where to begin. Everything is terrific.
My fav is Corned beef and pastrami with swiss and mustard on NY rye. Its fantastic. Great meat, terrific rye, thick and hearty, priced right.
My biggest problem with this place is getting there and trying to decide what I want.....
You simply cant go wrong...its all good. Easily one of the top few deli's around. Worth walking thru hot coals to get there if need be.
If you haven't tried this place your missing out. If you are trying it for the first time, beware....You will probably be eating there on a regular basis, even if you work far away. Its well worth the drive.....
Dont believe me however. Go there, try it and form your own opinion.