Pretty excited to see another NY Pizza place that can deliver to my house. I'd seen them in Tempe and was hankering for some pie. Especially after drinking a few cold ones on a Friday night.
Ordered a 16" Supreme and had it delivered to the house. This is one of my standards in reviewing pizza. You get your meat and veggies at the same time and they are all piled up on a nice big slice.
Phoned in our order with great ease. They were very friendly and helpful and let me use my most excellent coupon. Coupons are a great way to get you in the zone and expedite trying out a new place.
Pizza arrived within the time frame that they suggested. It may have even arrived a little bit earlier than what we were expecting. Nice!
The pizza definitely looked better than it tasted. The veggies were sliced very thin and it almost seemed like they could have been prepped for sandwich toppings. The meat toppings were also very thin and did not really pop out and say howdy.
Overall the food did not have much flavor and the sauce was pretty bland as well. We both could not figure out what it was missing. I'm sure it is a basic ingredient in most kitchens?
I know they are new and just opened recently. Give them a try and see what you think. Not the best pizza ever and probably not the worst either. DING DONG!
2.75 STARS