Ah McKibbin's.. Come for the wood panneling and ironic ye-ole-irish signeage, stay for the gazillion intimate little alcoves, 90s alterna-rock music and decently-priced booze.
As a vegan, my options are limited. They'd be even more limited if I had the vegan ethics to pass up on the fries or potato-leak soup or vegie burger, all of which probably wouldn't cut vegan standards if I asked about ingredient and cooking specifics. But ya know, it's McKibbin's. And I keep going back. The food isn't terrific by any means, but screw it there's ambiance at McKibbin's. And that counts for a lot.
Last time I went there was before a Hab's game. I was with my dad and little brother and I ordered a shot and a beer and my little brother did likewise and my dad disapproved and just ordered orange juice or some such. It was awesome. Or the times I've met Jason there after work and it's so close and convenient it takes you five minutes from job to drink. Oh - and pretty much at every point when I've felt depressy, I've gone there to drink booze with a friend in a back booth. And then we order fries. And the the Gin Blossoms come on the stereo system and we're all like "Hey, Jealousy... hey jealousy.." And then somehow, it's better. That's why McKibbin's gets 4 stars.