Dreadful Service
I've had Jimmy John's before several years ago in Minneapolis.. But apparently here in Phoenix, the store personnel must be trained differently. I had to take my sandwich back up to the counter twice to get the thick headed folks working at the one on Camelback at about 16th to get my sandwich the way I wanted it.
I asked for a #10 Hunter's Club with all the veggies. What I got was the standard #10 Hunters Club with lettuce and tomatoes.
After seeing that, I took it back up to the counter, and explained that I wanted all the veggies. They explained to me that those were all the veggies the sandwich came with. I carefully explained that I wanted all of the veggies that they have. The guy said, oh, you want the Freebies. I would have thought he would have clarified when I ordered whether I just wanted everything that came on the sandwich, or the Freebies as well. I said yes, I wanted all of the Freebie Veggies.
I took my revised sandwich and sat down to eat it, only to find that along with the veggies I had requested, they had piled on Italian vinaigrette and Dijon mustard, which I did NOT want.