| - It seems that I should not underestimate the power of a dollar.
When I was a little kid, a dollar was "big money" at the time. A comic book or a good run at the video arcade at least. These days, even the fast food "dollar value menu" struggles to live up to its namesake, teetering dangerously into the dollar-plus price range. You can't even buy a 20 oz soda for just a dollar anymore. Seriously, what good is a dollar anymore?
Imagine a place that lives up to its namesake, and provides exactly what it says.
You aren't going to find life-changing deals here, but cleaning supplies? Check. Toiletries? Check. Six pack of water? Check. Greeting cards or Halloween items? Check. Replacement bulbs for a nightlight? Check. Check. Check.
I am starting to use Dollar Tree as my "go to" for little items. Things that I've always grumbled are overpriced for what it is as regular "discount" shopping centers. If I need just a little bit of aluminum foil, I can get it here. For a dollar.
Granted, it's not top of the line brands, but there ARE brand names. They even have a little food shop area. Again, not everything to fulfill all your hopes and dreams, but quick and easy? Oh, yeah.
I've underestimated Dollar Tree, and I'll admit that. I think I'm going to be using the place more for basic sundries, and if I need better brand names, I'll go somewhere else. But if I need cheap and now....
Dollar Tree, I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship....