The word to describe this place is RANDOM. It's in a converted house, on a residential street. I've never been for the breakfast/lunch thing - I've been here at night. This takes random to a whole new level.
They have live music and booze. It's a full on bar at night. In a house. On a residential street. RANDOM. But tres cool. It's a very comfortable spot, and a great little neighborhood hangout. A friend of mine lives around the corner and introduced me to the place. We went for desert one night. Or perhaps I should say, she went for dessert. I went for a pint. And was treated to a live band to boot.
I can't speak to the food, but she said it was delicious (something with banana in it). They had a good beer selection, so I was pleased. This place is kind of small and out of the way for a special trip from any kind of distance. But for anyone in Bloordale, Blandsdowne, and whatever else they call this neighborhood, I would definitely recommend checking it out. If for no other reason because I think the location and spot is kinda hilarious.