Earl's Grocery.. such a strange place. It's a grocery store and a coffee shop and a cheese shop and a wine shop and a deli and a place for food... and snacks that can't help but be placed in the "odds and ends" category. Hipster Alert.
Next to viva chicken, down the street from CPCC. Parking is ample across the street and near the back of the entire rail line (look behind the mexican restaurant)
Remember what we said earlier? It's a hodgepodge of things.. but think hipster-ized. The garage door-style windows are great in the warmer months. The windows open up and let in fresh air... which is great particularly if you're in the mood for an outdoorsy brunch.
They sell beer here. They sell weird snacks here. They sell pretty good coffee. .... but the best thing here.. is their hipster food. Their food may be labeled a certain way, but Earl's Grocery offers a twist to everything. For example, their bahn mi is not traditional bahn mi. Don't go there expecting to get a traditional Vietnamese sandwich.
If you like things that are pungent but fantastically delicious - try their Warm Bowl... turkey meatballs with Kimchi collard greens over crispy rice. Add an over easy egg. Don't ask questions.. just do it.
We recently discovered their steak tacos...pretty delicious as well. Be forewarned, the pickled onions will stay on your palate forever. It's the true test of love between you and your significant other. Seriously, our breath smelled like onions even after a load of Listerine.