| - This review is for the branch in the Mile End, but since there's no entry I'll piggyback it onto the NDG one.
Before the recent explosion of new restaurants in the Mile End, if you were really hungry and wanted some mass to force down your gaping maw you had precious few choices - Clarke sandwich shop, run to McDonald's on Parc and Mont Royal, or buy three cheesepies from Navarino and pound them into a multilayer pseudosandwich. Lunch hour was misery for the Ubisoft building, until B&M opened. All jokes about the name aside, the place was carefully crafted with a mission - large portions, reasonable prices, and variety. Everything on the menu is designed to satisfyingly stuff you - no ulterior motive. Just get in, eat, and get out.
That being said, it's really nicely decorated inside as well. Everything is white and bright, and it looks very clean and trendy to boot. Service is excellent and prices are reasonable. By the looks of it, the formula is perfect because it's mobbed during lunch hour and on weekends for brunch, as well. And deservedly so. Great spot, try it out.