| - My last visit to H&P was 2 days ago. I never got a call to pick my puppy up and eventually called 4 hours after I dropped her off ( approaching closing time) to find out when she'd be done. I should have checked her out more closely upon picking her up and have learned a valuable lesson, unfortunately at the puppy's expense.
I was told my puppy would be clipped a certain length. When I picked up the dog she was practically shaved to the skin. A lazy groomer's cut, in my opinion. If I wanted her to look like that, I'd buy a clipper myself and do it at home. We discussed the small area of matting when I dropped her off, before I left her there, and we agreed on a length. What we agreed upon was disregarded, I imagine the minute I walked out the door. Upon my return to pick her up the owner stated she "didn't charge extra for the matting". What? Charging extra was never even discussed when I dropped her off. The matting was minimal. She shaved her almost to the skin. Period. I was speechless. I hardly recognized my dog. I recall saying "her hair will grow back, right?" Seriously, I could not believe what I was seeing.
My puppy continued to lick her hind paw relentlessly from the time I picked her up. By this morning her paw was swollen, red, and appeared to have been cut or skinned, and she was walking on 3 legs. Now, after returning from the vet $180. later and with confirmation (like there was really a question) the wound most likely stemmed from the grooming, my puppy is wearing the cone of shame. She has slept all afternoon, yelps in her sleep, and seems so sad. Needless to say, I feel horrible.
I called H&P and spoke to the owner, who actually said since I hadn't had the puppy in to her shop since June, she was matted.; like I never had her groomed anywhere else in 7 months; the comment was offensive and I believe she meant it to be so. The owner will refund my $ if I bring my dog in so she can see. I refuse to put my puppy through any more trauma, including walking her into that place.
I will stick with the dog grooming school where the groomers are trained and under the watchful eye of trained instructors.
I thought previous posts I saw were from disgruntled employees and am mad at myself for not paying attention to what they had to say. I'd suggest going somewhere else or be sure you get the same groomer here with whom you've been happy.