Quite possibly the worst Italian I've ever eaten.
Climb into your wayback machine and this place pops up. Dark pleather booths and clunky captains chairs, plastic water tumblers and cheap flatware... you get the idea. Don't get me wrong, I love a good dive, but this was upscale downscale dining at its Italian worst.
The menu is OK if you're 300 lbs and haven't left 1972 (or you are 5), but if you have graduated from iceberg lettuce salads with baby croutons and white opaque dressing, and your idea of pizza involves cheese with a name other than "cheese," steer clear. Even the pasta was bad. My 7 year old took a bite and said, "mom, this tastes like oatmeal a little" (referring to the mushy noodles)"
We won't be back, but I have to give proper credit to the young UW server who took one look at us and steered us toward the more palatable items on the menu. We left a lot of food behind but a big tip.