| - I realize that this Sephora has amazing reviews. And, ya know, it's an ok one, I guess....Well stocked, pleasant workers, larger than the other ones around here.....
I think what I am really trying to say is that I was not super impressed with the customer service here. Don't get me wrong, I love Sephora in general. I can get lost in one for hours. But the lack of attentiveness kinda killed it for me.
If you are a reader of my reviews, then you already know how I feel about this topic. It's really important to me, because of the jobs I have had in the past. I pride myself on giving great customer service, and this Sephora fell short for me.
All the employees were nice and helpful.... If you could find them. Most seemed too busy or were socializing. I visited the store with Khatherine T. (pretty much my partner in crime now LOL), and she asked a woman for some help. The lady barely spent any time on her! She showed her the eyebrow gels, brought her to a mirror, and then left. Not really trying to sell to her or help her out very much.
I walked around the store by myself and really don't remember anyone asking me if I needed help at all.... If they did, they did not make enough of an impact for me to remember them. Sorry.
When she was getting rung up, Kat told me that you just have to ask, and you can get a sample of any fragrance at Sephora. I never even knew this! The woman at the counter said to go to the fragrance section, and there would be a girl with curly hair in the area to help me out.
Soooooooo, we headed over to the fragrance section of the store. I seriously think we stood there for five minutes and no one came over. I wondered aloud, "Ohhh kayyy.... Where is the person who is supposed to help me with the hair?" I walk over toward the front of the store, and there she is, chatting with another employee. I had to hunt you down? Really?
Anyway, overall, this is a fairly nice Sephora. It is bigger than the others, and at least they blast the A/C in the summer. But honestly, I just don't get the super high reviews. This location is not all that convenient. I mean, it's in Town Square. I get lost every time I go, and it's an outdoor mall, so it is hot as hell in the summer. Plus, Town Square sucks for parking. Just saying.