| - Going to to the AMC Theatre downtown is a series of pros and cons. For example, for many, the central location is great. There's really easy access via ttc and just by walking, depending on where you live.
Forget being limited to ridiculously overpriced popcorn, drinks and candy. You can go downstairs to one of the two foodcourts in the building and pickup whatever you lick for (slightly) less! I know you're not technically allowed to do this, but in my experience, no one will call you out. What if I want a shwarma with my movie? Or decent ice cream? Both have been done and gotten away with.
They have an insane amount of theatres. Two floors of them, something around the low twenties. The seats are really comfy. Seriously, I had a lecture class in one of these last year and it was always very difficult to stay alert. They're a vevlety red, go back a bit and if you want to snuggle, just put up the armrest!
The price is wild, but we knew that already. The service is meh. Not hot, but not too cold. Something weird actually happened yesterday when one of my friends checked her email on her cell phone for about one minute. An AMC person came into the theatre, walked all the way up and over to our seats and asked her to turn off the phone. No sound was emitted! Was the little screen affecting the big screen? We will never know. It was just kind of odd, especially considering she wasn't the only one checking in over the course of the movie. Mystery!
AMC's movie's arn't always the most up to date I find and sometimes they hold onto movies for way too long. Never had a bad experience, never had a moving one.