You take a chance when you go to a school for services. Yes there are instructors around to oversee and coach but really, you are at the students mercy. I have not had many experiences here where my hair turned out badly. This last one though, oh no... I decided to just get a cut and let the color grow out. Easy right? Just a cut, layered, long hair. Well it's been two weeks and I have given it a fair try but to be honest, well I hate it. I won't name the student because I knew I took a chance when I went in -they are still learning.
Now I don't know what I'm going to do with it. I took two pictures in and I don't know what part of my hair looks remotely like when I showed them... Like I must have been speaking Greek to him and the instructor.
I am still thinking about whether I will give them a chance to fix it or if I should go to a qualified stylist. I hate this cut more and more each day