Stopped here today after having a bad eczema breakout. They allow you to make your appointment online to avoid waiting. I did that which was convenient and did not have to wait long. However, when I got there I did have to wait a bit more than expected. Maybe about 15 , 20 minutes, which I know isn't long but I was having a severe itch attack and those 20 minutes felt long. When I was taken back the nurse was very kind which is always great. The doctor( I assume) came in moments after. He was not wearing a white coat and they did not introduce him as the doctor so I am not sure if he was a PA or Doctor. Regardless , I found him to be a bit uneducated.. I told him I was having a eczema flare out and that my doctor back home ( I do not live in AZ) told me to go to a minute clinic and get prescribed some antihistamine cream( not steroid) . When I told the Next Stop Care doctor/pa this he did not seem to know what I was talking about. He told me he was not familiar with non steroidal creams for eczema. I found this to be kinda strange considering he was the doctor and I was the patient. He then went and searched on his computer and came back and said that he usually doesn't prescribed elidel( a non steroid cream) but he would for me this time. Anyhow, I just found his manner to be a bit off and non professional. However, in the end I got my prescription for elidel and left . Overall , it was a successful visit I'd say I got what I needed however, I do not know if I would particularly go back .