Went here last Friday, Saturday, and uh... every other time I've been in Tempe. Saturday was the Redbull WakeLab after party, which kicked ass! Thanks Dragon!!!
$3 wells on a Saturday "friend's bday" night = story time...
Many a Jack n' Coke later, I watched the drunk-ass bday boy piss on the bar while he and people next to him ordered drinks. Nobody could see since the bar is up to your chest... I was very impressed!
Later he tried sleeping on the sidewalk, then pissed while lying sideways on the hotel room floor. Once again, I was impressed.
Thanks 301 for making my friend so drunk he entertained us all night.
Oh, and this place is so nice (actually they didn't have a say in the matter), they let one of the riders steal a bottle of Jack from behind the bar and carry it around for an hour until it got finished. That's pretty Suiiiiiiiiiiite!